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Monday, September 05, 2005

i dedicated this to all the toilet in the universe

you may never know where and when u need it
therefore, knowing where is the location is important
so that u don't have to travel far and seacrh for it,
knowing the best and favourite toilet is good
so you can ease yourself comfortably!
so toilets...please hear me out...
you are precious!!!
People....Lets APPRECIATE toilets!!!

Saturday, September 03, 2005

to fiq

( -.- )
> <

typ[0]="This is naf's bloggie" typ[1]="Naf is trying to walk on the train track" typ[2]="With deep concentrations and focus" typ[3]="She is determine to balance herself on the track" typ[4]="You will see her training at the yew tee's train track" typ[5]="She will also bring her balancing partner" typ[6]="Syafiq is his name" typ[7]="Syafiq also like to walk on the train track" typ[8]="She loves Syafiq" typ[9]="so..." typ[10]="Goodnight Goodnight"